Sunday, November 29, 2009
Jakes story is just a tip of the iceberg as to where courage is present and where courage will take those who utilize it's imporatance. When the big picture of courage is present in ones mind a person can literally see where it comes into play. The possibilities of greatness are endless. As Jake also says" you have to have the faith in Jesus, courage, and the ability to believe dispite others opinions". Those who express courage undoubtedly, find an easier path to succeeding in America.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
For this post on courage, I want to recognize anyone who takes part
in the sport of snowboarding.
Anyone who embraces the adrenaline rush before flying high into the air.
Those who put their body on the line for something that they love.
Those who grind all day on slippery pieces of metal waiting to be dominated.
There is nothing more that i can ask for on a beautiful
winter day than a lift ticket and my snowboard.
There are a select few that pursue this sport, partially because
of the money, but mostly because of the preparation.
Finding a perfect spot to snowboard can take quite awhile before found.
Whether it be a bench or hand rail found at a neighborhood
park or a snow complex such as our local snowstar.
I am ecstatic to use my new Burton Twin to do some serious shredding this year.
The 2010 season is upon us.
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
“Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain”. This was said by the great Ralph Waldo Emerson. To succeed at overtaking a fear, an enormous amount of courage is required. The one thing that i do not agree on about this picture is the caption, " then run like hell". From my own observation i have seen that those who are cowardice run, or give up when a problem surfaces. For instance, this friday the Moline Football team is facing their eldest rivals. The Rock Island Moline rivalry is the oldest sports grudge match in the state of Illinois. In the beginning of this season our team faced a good amount of adversity with five straight losses. Although this may have a negative impact on a team, defeat has only given us motivation to better our efforts. I can promise any spectators of our gruesome brawl, that we will do the opposite of cower, or run away from our foes.
Sunday, September 27, 2009