Sunday, September 6, 2009

Courage is something that we all posess. Some a little bit more than others. I have found in my life that there are even more benificial possibilities when taking a greater risk. I can't begin to stress the corrolation to a better reward when a greater task or risk is taken on. Being a football player i can relate this information to numerous examples on and off the field. Going to move the chains on a fourth down to attempt a succesful drive into the end zone takes alot of courage. This shows how courage can play a role in many of the situations that we run into during life. In the linked picture a man stands in front of multiple tanks immenitly forcing their way down the road. This image could define courage without words. He shows raw courage to show off his beliefs about war. I only wish anyone that reads this caption, shows as much courage and to the extent of the man in this picture. We are tested daily, even during school on how courageous we can be. Our grades and extracarricular life will benifet or deminish on how we act.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting topic choice. Can you actually post the photo rather than link it? I'll show you how next week. Why do you want others to be inspired by the photo? What purpose does courage serve? I don't understand your last sentence.
